





🎬 第1集:“最差一代”对垒凯多和大妈 🎬



🎬 第2集:七武海解散 🎬



🎬 第3集:路飞对战凯多 🎬



🎬 第4集:昆妮的动感 🎬



🎬 第5集:齿轮五全速 🎬


The finale episodes of the Onigashima War were certainly some of the very best, and One Piece episode 1074 comes out on top when it comes to storyboarding and action sequences. It showcased Luffy’s incredible Gear 5 in full swing against Kaido, utilizing his unlimited imagination in the best way possible against an immovable force that was Kaido.

🎬 Episode 6: Sanji Vs Queen 🎬

Sanji Vs Queen

Sanji vs Queen was certainly one of the highlights of the Wano Country arc. This episode hits all the right spots, ranging from emotional weight all the way to stellar action when needed. It is, by far, one of the very best episodes in the Wano Country arc, with terrific cinematography.

🎬 Episode 7: Zoro Vs King 🎬

Zoro Vs King

When it comes to action episodes, few have managed to top One Piece episode 1062, which features an incredible fight between Zoro and King. It was an incredible episode where the sense of scale was put on full display, making it one of the very best fights in all of One Piece.

🎬 Episode 8: The Drums Of Liberation 🎬

The Drums Of Liberation

One Piece episode 1072 sees some of the very best animators pool their effort under incredible direction and storyboarding. Added to that is the fact that these episodes tackle the exciting Gear 5 power-up, making it one of the very best episodes in the Wano Country arc.

🎬 Episode 9: Luffy Arrives At The Rooftop 🎬

Luffy Arrives At The Rooftop

By far, the best animated, directed, and boarded episode of One Piece in its entirety is One Piece episode 1015. This episode managed to surpass all expectations and brought Oda’s vision to life in the best way possible. It tackled Luffy reaching the rooftop and challenging the Emperors, carrying the weight of a country on his shoulders.

These episodes truly encapsulate the brilliance of the One Piece anime. From stunning action sequences to expertly crafted storytelling, they showcase the immense talent of the animators and directors involved. If you are a fan of One Piece, or even if you’re just curious, these episodes are an absolute must-watch.


问: 动画《海贼王》中还有其他出色的集数吗? 答: 当然!虽然上面提到的集数是最好的一些,但该系列还有许多其他出色的集数。其中一个值得一提的是第870集,路飞与卡塔库利的战斗达到了高潮,引人注目的动画效果和紧张的战斗场面令人惊叹。

问: 我可以从《海贼王》的“和之国篇”开始观看吗? 答: 虽然《和之国篇》无疑是系列中最好的篇章之一,但建议从开始观看《海贼王》,以充分欣赏角色发展和故事的纵向发展。然而,如果你时间紧迫,想要直接进入剧情的话,《和之国篇》也是一种愉快的观影体验。

问: 这些令人难以置信的《海贼王》集数背后的动画师和导演是谁? 答: 这些集数背后的动画师和导演是一群极其有才华的人。像石谷惠美这样的导演和石冢克典这样的故事板画师在将这些集数呈现到观众面前发挥了至关重要的作用。他们的专业知识和对工作的奉献精神在每集的动画和导演方面都能展现出来。


  1. Granblue Fantasy:Versus Rising中最好的武器外观
  2. 《航海王》中5位需要在最后篇章中超越的角色
  3. 下一部AEW游戏需要加倍利用一项少用的永恒战斗功能
  4. 挑战性的宝可梦:它们是如何进化的?
  5. 《航海王》:每个国家迄今为止如何解放路飞?

