《模拟人生4:如何获取草莓》 在《模拟人生4》中,草莓是一种非常受欢迎的食物,它们不仅仅可以用于烹饪美食,还可以用来种植和制作其他物品如果你渴望在游戏中拥有自己的草莓园,那么你来对地方了!下面是一些获取草莓的方法: 1. 在市场购买:如果你不想从头开始种植草莓,那么最简单的方法就是在市场购买它们在城市的市场或农贸市场,你可以找到各种各样的草莓,只需花费一些辛苦赚来的金币就能买到 2. 种植草莓种子:如果你想亲手种植草莓,那么你可以在花店或种子商店购买草莓种子把种子种在花盆或花园里,然后定期浇水和施肥,很快你就能看到小小的绿苗冒出地面 3. 与邻居交换:你的邻居可能也有草莓园,并且愿意与你交换一些草莓与他们建立友好的关系,然后在合适的时机向他们索要一些草莓,说不定他们会慷慨地分享 4. 探险:在游戏中,你可以选择探索不同的地方,包括荒野和神秘的洞穴在这些地方,你可能会发现一些野生的草莓当然,要小心野生动物和陷阱 不管你选择哪种方法,拥有自己的草莓园肯定会让你的模拟人生更加有趣从种植到烹饪,再到与朋友分享,草莓将给你带来无尽的乐趣!快去尝试吧!
How to Get Strawberries in The Sims 4 Strawberries are a popular food in The Sims 4. They can be used for cooking, planting, and crafting. If you want to have your own strawberry garden in the game, you've come to the right place! Here are some ways to get strawberries 1. Buy them from the market If you don't want to start from scratch, the easiest way is to buy strawberries from the market. You can find a variety of strawberries in the city's market or farmer's market. Just spend some hard-earned coins to get them. 2. Plant strawberry seeds If you want to plant strawberries yourself, you can buy strawberry seeds from a flower shop or seed store. Plant the seeds in a pot or garden, then water and fertilize them regularly. Soon you'll see little green seedlings sprouting from the ground. 3. Trade with neighbors Your neighbors may also have strawberry gardens and be willing to exchange some strawberries. Build a friendly relationship with them and ask for strawberries at the right time. They might generously share with you. 4. Go on an adventure In the game, you can explore different places, including the wilderness and mysterious caves. You may come across some wild strawberries. Of course, be careful of wild animals and traps. No matter which method you choose, having your own strawberry garden will definitely make your sim life more interesting. From planting to cooking, and sharing with friends, strawberries will bring you endless fun! Give it a try!

- 从建筑/购买模式购买草莓种子。
- 找到一个合适的地点在户外种植这些种子。
- 玩家可以手动放置这些种子,或者通过种植箱的帮助来种植种子。
- 定期浇水和喷洒来照顾植物。

为了更容易获取草莓,玩家可以利用debug cheat。
- 在《模拟人生4》中启用作弊模式。
- 在作弊窗口中输入“bb.showhiddenobjects”。
- 进入建筑菜单,搜索“Strawberry”。
《模拟人生4》现已适用于PC、PS4、PS5和Xbox One、Xbox Series X/S。