《艾尔登环Elden Ring》中所有钟铸所在地点:解锁无限锻造石!🪨💎




但是问题来了:在艾尔登环中找到这些铃钟可不是轻而易举的事。它们经常隐藏在偏僻的可选区域里,并且有些甚至可以从死去的商人那里抢夺。🕵️‍♂️ 所以,为了帮助您,我们已经整理了所有的铃钟位置并在下面的便捷地图上标出了它们。🗺️

🔔 临石矿工铃钟位置 🔨💎

  • 临石矿工铃钟 (1):打败莱亚卢卡利亚水晶隧道中的水晶巨人老板后,您将获得此奖励。它解锁了石匠石 (1)、石匠石 (2) 和闪光石屑的出售。💪💎
  • 临石矿工铃钟 (2):在密封隧道的中途的一个箱子里发现。它解锁了石匠石 (3)、石匠石 (4) 和爆炸石的出售。💣💎
  • 临石矿工铃钟 (3):隐藏在萨默废墟的一个箱子里,位于洛尔德大升降机东边。它解锁了石匠石 (5) 和石匠石 (6) 的出售。🏛️💎
  • 临石矿工铃钟 (4):在击败瓦斯肌肤联盟老板后,您将获得此奖励。它解锁了石匠石 (7) 和石匠石 (8) 的出售。🔱💎

🔔 阴石矿工铃钟位置 😢🪨

  • 阴石矿工铃钟 (1):征服了塞莉亚水晶隧道中的陨星兽后,您将获得此奖励。它解锁了阴暗石匠石 (1)、阴暗石匠石 (2) 和闪光石屑的出售。🌠🪨
  • 阴石矿工铃钟 (2):在阿尔图斯隧道中打败了水晶矛和环刃巨人老板后获得的奖励。它解锁了阴暗石匠石 (3) 和阴暗石匠石 (4) 的出售。🗡️🪨
  • 阴石矿工铃钟 (3):位于马里卡第一教堂外的一个尸体上。它解锁了阴暗石匠石 (5) 和阴暗石匠石 (6) 的出售。⛪🪨
  • 阴石矿工铃钟 (4):位于瓦斯肌肤联盟破败法鲁姆阿祖拉的风暴朝向阳台救赎点北边的一个尸体上。它解锁了阴暗石匠石 (7) 和阴暗石匠石 (8) 的出售。🌪️🪨
  • 阴石矿工铃钟 (5):位于瓦斯肌肤联盟北侧废弃神庙的一个尸体上。它解锁了阴暗石匠石 (9) 的出售。🏰🪨

🔔 幽灵拾草人铃钟位置 👻🌿

  • 幽灵拾草人铃钟 (1):在永恒之城诺孔的入口附近的凉亭中发现。它解锁了幽灵拾草 (1)、幽灵拾草 (2) 和幽灵拾草 (3) 的出售。🏰👺
  • 幽灵拾草人铃钟 (2):在诺斯泰拉永恒之城进入西侧楼梯顶部的箱子中找到。它解锁了幽灵拾草 (4)、幽灵拾草 (5) 和幽灵拾草 (6) 的出售。🏰👻
  • 幽灵拾草人铃钟 (3):位于哈利格特里艾尔法尔村的墓地中。从哈利格特里根的恩典之地回到升降机,离开教堂,向左下坡走,经过所有可怕的虾人。它解锁了幽灵拾草 (7)、幽灵拾草 (8) 和幽灵拾草 (9) 的出售。⚰️👻


🔔 Glovewort Picker’s Bell Bearings Locations 🌸🖐️

  • Glovewort Picker’s Bell Bearing (1): Your reward for defeating the Erdtree Burial Watchdog boss in Wyndham Catacombs. It unlocks Grave Glovewort (1), Grave Glovewort (2), and Grave Glovewort (3) for sale. 🌳☠️
  • Glovewort Picker’s Bell Bearing (2): A reward for conquering the Ulcerated Tree Spirit boss in Giants’ Mountaintop Catacombs. It unlocks Grave Glovewort (4), Grave Glovewort (5), and Grave Glovewort (6) for sale. 🌳🪓
  • Glovewort Picker’s Bell Bearing (3): Found on a body in a lakeside gazebo in Crumbling Farum Azula. From the Crumbling Beast Grave Depths Site of Grace, go through the northwest church and out the southwest entrance to find a lift going down. Ahead, you’ll see a lake with a gazebo near it, and the Bell Bearing awaits. It unlocks Grave Glovewort (7), Grave Glovewort (8), and Grave Glovewort (9) for sale. 🏞️🖐️

🔔 Other Bell Bearings Locations 🔔

  • Bone Peddler’s Bell Bearing: A reward for defeating the Bell Bearing Hunter boss that appears at the Warmaster’s Shack at night. It unlocks Thick Animal Bones and Hefty Beast Bones for sale. 🦴💀

Now, here’s the best part: with the right Bell Bearings, you can buy or farm infinite Elden Ring Smithing Stones at the Twin Maiden Husks’ shop. 💎💸 These Smithing Stones will help you quickly enhance any weapon if you’ve got the resources to pay. So, while they may not come cheap, they’ll save you a ton of time searching for them across the vast world of Elden Ring. 🗺️⏳

But wait, there’s more! We should let you know that there are no Bell Bearings for the Ancient Dragon and Somber Ancient Dragon variants of Smithing Stones. These variants are used to bring weapons to either +25 or +10, depending on their type. Additionally, there are no Bell Bearings for the Great Ghost Glovewort or Great Grave Glovewort, which are used to max out the level of your Spirit Summons. These items are limited, so use them wisely! ⏰🔥

Oh, and remember, if you encounter a special merchant who meets an untimely demise (poor souls), don’t fret! They’ll drop a Bell Bearing that you can bring to the Twin Husks. This will effectively resurrect the dead merchant’s stock, allowing you to purchase those coveted items even after they’re gone. It’s like magic! ✨

💡 How to Use Bell Bearings and What to Do with Them 💭

To make use of the Bell Bearings you find on your perilous journeys, seek out the Twin Maiden Husks in the Roundtable Hold. You’ll find these desiccated figures leaning against each other in a dark room just past the hallway outside Ofnir’s library. Approach them and offer your Bell Bearings. They’ll be thrilled to accept them! 💀🙌

The Twin Maiden Husks have a very limited stock, which occasionally expands after defeating certain bosses. So, by handing over the Bell Bearings, you permanently expand their inventory. Don’t worry about losing the Bell Bearings – they serve no purpose other than this, so it’s always worth trading them in. 💀💼

That’s all you need to know to unlock infinite Smithing Stones and access the best items in Elden Ring! We hope this guide has been helpful on your quest through the challenging world of Elden Ring. Happy hunting, adventurers! 🎮💪✨

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📷 IMAGE CREDIT: FromSoftware


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