《外部起源:如何更换套装》 In this game, you don’t just want to be strong, you want to look good while being strong. And what better way to look good than by changing suits? In Exoprimal, you have a variety of suits to choose from, each with its own unique style and abilities. Whether you want to be a sleek ninja, a futuristic cyborg, or a medieval knight, there’s a suit for every occasion. So, if you’re tired of your current suit and want to switch things up, here’s how you can do it Step 1 Open the Suit Menu First, you’ll need to open the suit menu. This can usually be done by pressing the Menu button on your controller or by selecting the suit icon in the game’s main menu. Once you’re in the suit menu, you’ll see a list of all the suits you currently own. Step 2 Select the Suit You Want Now that you’re in the suit menu, it’s time to choose the suit you want to wear. Take a look at the different options and consider their abilities and appearance. Do you want to be faster? Stronger? More stylish? The choice is yours! Once you’ve made your decision, highlight the suit and press the Select button. Step 3 Confirm Your Selection After selecting the suit, a confirmation window will appear asking if you’re sure you want to change suits. This is your last chance to change your mind, so think carefully! If you’re absolutely sure about your decision, press the Confirm button. Congratulations, you’ve successfully changed suits! Step 4 Enjoy Your New Look Now that you’re sporting a new suit, it’s time to show it off! Take a moment to admire your character’s stylish new appearance and get ready to wreak havoc in style. Whether you’re battling enemies, completing quests, or just exploring the game’s vast world, you’ll be doing it with a new level of swagger. So there you have it, a step-by-step guide on how to change suits in Exoprimal. Remember, a good suit isn’t just about looking good, it’s about feeling good too. So don’t be afraid to experiment and find the suit that suits you best. Happy gaming!

《外部起源:如何更换套装》 在这个游戏中,你不仅想变得强大,还想在强大的同时好看而改变套装又有什么比这更好的方式呢?在Exoprimal中,你有各种套装可供选择,每个套装都有独特的风格和能力无论你想成为一个时髦的忍者,一个未来主义的机器人,还是一个中世纪的骑士,都有适合各种场合的套装所以,如果你对当前的套装感到厌倦,想要改变一下,下面是如何做到这一点的步骤: 第一步 打开套装菜单 首先,你需要打开套装菜单通常可以通过按下控制器上的菜单按钮或在游戏主菜单中选择套装图标来完成一旦进入套装菜单,你将看到一个列出你当前拥有的所有套装的列表 第二步 选择你想要的套装 现在,你已经进入套装菜单,是时候选择你想要穿的套装了看看不同的选项,考虑它们的能力和外观你想要更快吗?更强壮吗?更时尚吗?选择权在你手上!一旦你做出决定,突出显示套装并按下选择按钮 第三步 确认你的选择 在选择套装后,会出现一个确认窗口询问你是否确定要更换套装这是你改变主意的最后机会,所以请仔细考虑!如果你对自己的决定非常确定,请按下确认按钮恭喜你,你成功更换了套装! 第四步 享受你的新造型 现在你穿着新的套装,是时候展示一下了!花点时间欣赏你角色时尚的新造型,准备以全新的风格肆意破坏吧无论是与敌人战斗,完成任务,还是探索游戏的广阔世界,你都将以一种新的自信水平来进行 这就是在Exoprimal中如何更换套装的逐步指南记住,一个好的套装不仅仅是为了好看,也是为了感觉好所以不要害怕尝试,找到最适合你的套装祝你游戏愉快!

Exoprimal 有许多强大且时尚的Exosuits供玩家选择,包括突击、支援和坦克角色。玩家可能很快在Exoprimal中找到自己喜欢的套装,但也有必要在所有三个职业中提升Exosuits的等级,以便玩家随时准备好并装备最佳套装来应对各种情况。在Exoprimal中更换套装可能意味着辉煌的成功和任务失败时的恐龙咬碎。




在Exoprimal中,玩家可以在游戏菜单中,在大厅中,在比赛中的任何时间以及在被敌人击倒后更换Exosuit。 玩家可以按以下方式更换套装:













《Exoprimal》适用于PC、PS4、PS5、Xbox One和Xbox S/X。
