《埃尔登之环:如何到达巨人的山顶》 In this game guide, we will show you how to conquer the mighty Mountaintops of the Giants in Elden Ring. This towering peak is home to some of the most challenging enemies and breathtaking views in the game. So grab your sword, put on your best climbing gear, and let’s embark on this epic adventure! Step 1 Gear Up Before we embark on our journey to the Mountaintops of the Giants, it’s important to make sure we have the right gear. Make sure your weapons are upgraded, your armor is sturdy, and your backpack is filled with potions and snacks. Trust me, you’ll need all the snacks you can get to keep your energy up during this perilous climb. Step 2 Find the Secret Path Getting to the Mountaintops of the Giants isn’t as straightforward as you might think. The developers love a good challenge, so they’ve hidden a secret path that will lead you to the summit. Look for subtle clues in the environment, such as a lone tree or a peculiar rock formation. These hints will guide you to the entrance of the secret path. Step 3 Face the Giants Once you’ve found the secret path, get ready to face off against some formidable foes. The Giants of the Mountaintops are not to be taken lightly. They are massive, powerful, and have a mean swing. Timing and strategy are key to defeating them. Study their attack patterns, dodge their blows, and strike back when the opportunity arises. Remember, it’s not the size of the giant that matters, but the size of your courage! Step 4 Enjoy the View Congratulations! You’ve made it to the summit of the Mountaintops of the Giants. Take a moment to catch your breath and enjoy the breathtaking view. The game developers have truly outdone themselves with the stunning landscapes and immersive atmosphere. Snap some screenshots, share them with your friends, and bask in the glory of your achievement. We hope this guide helps you conquer the Mountaintops of the Giants in Elden Ring. Remember, it’s not just about reaching the top, but the journey itself. So have fun, stay safe, and may your adventures in Elden Ring be epic and unforgettable!

《埃尔登之环:如何到达巨人的山顶》 In this game guide, we will show you how to conquer the mighty Mountaintops of the Giants in Elden Ring. Grab your gear and embark on this epic adventure! Upgrade your weapons, armor, and pack potions and snacks. Look for the secret path hidden in the environment. Face the formidable Giants with timing and strategy. Enjoy the breathtaking view at the summit. Have fun, stay safe, and may your adventures in Elden Ring be epic and unforgettable!


到达巨人山顶对于《埃尔登之环》的故事进展来说是至关重要的一步,因为在这个区域可以找到火巨人。击败这个首领将打开通往破碎法拉姆·阿祖拉(Crumbling Farum Azula)的道路,这将解锁灰烬之都莱恩德尔(Leyndell)的最终首领。

2023年8月4日更新:巨人山顶是《埃尔登之环》中对于进入中后期游戏的玩家来说非常重要的位置。不幸的是,大多数人对于如何到达巨人山顶还有些模糊。虽然玩家很容易获得“罗尔徽章”(Medallion of Rold),但是找到“罗尔宏伟升降机”(Grand Lift of Rold)并使用它到达巨人山顶并不容易。为了帮助玩家更好地弄清如何到达巨人山顶,以下指南已经更新并附带了一段视频。





在莱恩德尔皇家首都击败“预兆之王莫格特”(Morgott, The Omen King)后,玩家将由梅琳娜(Melina)给予“罗尔徽章”。击败预兆之王后,不会出现像击败其他《埃尔登之环》首领后通常会出现的“失落之恩地点(Site of Lost Grace)”。这是因为铸痕者(Tarnished)必须首先攀登前方的宏伟楼梯,并与埃德树封闭的入口进行互动。之后,他们可以下楼梯,篝火就在那里。

玩家在“失落之恩地点(Site of Lost Grace)”休息时,少女梅琳娜会出现并告诉他们目前不可能进入埃德树并面对其中的事物。唯一的办法是前往巨人山顶的最高点并燃烧埃德树。然后,梅琳娜会给予玩家“罗尔徽章”并在地图上留下一个红色标记。


“罗尔宏伟升降机”位于禁地失落之恩地点(Forbidden Lands Site of Lost Grace)的东北方。要到达它,铸痕者必须先穿过《埃尔登之环》中的皇家首都。

首先,玩家应该将传送至莱恩德尔皇家首都的“阳台大道”失落之恩地点(Avenue Balcony Site of Lost Grace),然后向东北方向前进,朝着巨大的封闭门。

打开这扇门后,Tarnished 应该向东走,走到左边的楼梯上然后爬上去。


穿过长桥后,Tarnished 将面对一台通往禁忌之地遗失之恩景点的石质电梯。

一旦到达这里,他们应该点燃篝火,然后召唤 Torrent 并向东北方向骑行。当黑刃亲属首领出现时,玩家将知道他们来对了地方。与其与它战斗,他们应该径直跑过去进入建筑物,并点亮右边的遗失之恩景点。接下来,他们需要爬上楼梯,并使用 Elden Ring 徽章激活 Rold 的大升降机。升降机将带领 Tarnished 前往巨人之巅。

Elden Ring现已在PC、PlayStation 4和5,以及Xbox One和Series X|S上上市。

更多:Elden Ring完全指南:武器、技巧、诀窍、首领和构建